15 Unexpected Ways Food Presentation Can Make You Regret Ordering It

There’s no shortage of competition amongst restaurants, so to get that competitive edge some have gone the extra mile to make their food stand out, providing us with some of the most ridiculous examples of food presentation.

1. Gaga-esque Steak.

2. Spa party cheese ball appetizer.

3. When the restaurant has more peppers than it can deal with.

4. Is Shawarma Comfortable On A Bicycle?

5. This must be called “A Scientific Model of A Salad Molecule” on the menu.

6. When the restaurant runs out of dishes.

7. A good way to force you to lose weight.

8. When your drink is served in a lightbulb on a flamingo tube, you kill it with your poker face.

9. Chicken tikka staircase and chutney cupboard.

10. This is “I am the chef and I decide where you should start off” plate.

11. Caramel doughnut cone with salted caramel syringe.

12. Shovel breakfast.

13. An excellent way to make it cold and hard to eat spaghetti. 

14. How do you like your food in a bathtub?

15. Maybe you can check your email while you dine on the iPad.

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